Market Entry
Canadian Presence

Canadian Presence is a “Barrier Free” method for businesses expanding into North America or Canada specifically. We engage with a consultancy agreement that delivers immediate sales engagement and local operations, foregoing the time to market delays and expense.

We deliver mature professional sales representation, local engagement, and the knowledge needed to be successful with multimillion-dollar opportunities from scratch.

Our clients are technology company’s with longer sales cycles being their reality. Canadian Presence’s model is to deliver results within a compressed period of time by leveraging experience, market knowledge, and wide-ranging relationships to your company’s minimize risk.

About Canadian Presence – Smart Sales

Canadian Presence was formed in 2002 for companies caught in the dilemma of longer sales cycles, limited funding, thin internal resources, with the need for rapid growth.

Our approach factors the inconsistent timing of each of our engagements to lower costs with the shared resource while maintaining the tempo of decision making.

Canadian Presence effectively eliminates the haphazard “fire and forget” of commission only approaches with the ability to fully engage your customers, properly. Our professional approach engages your customers purchasing process to ensure success within a realistic timeline. We achieve agreed upon milestones while mindful of limited internal resources within 7-14 months of engagement.


Industries, Governments engaged in Canada and the US


USD since 1991

62+ Clients

Europe, US, Asia